Teaching & Learning

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Teaching & Learning

Personalised learning approaches provide rigorous learning experiences across the Australian Curriculum. Higher order thinking strategies are embraced Preschool to year 6 to promote problem solving and understanding about learning at a deeper level. Information and Communication technologies are embraced across the curriculum. Every class has an interactive whiteboard. Students have access to laptops on a daily basis. The use of multi-media (eg: Ipads and the implementation of 1 to 1 Device Program for students in years 3-6) incorporated into our learning, ensures students are confident users of a range of tools to enhance their learning and methods of communicating.

The general capabilities: Numeracy, Personal and Social Capability, Literacy, Intercultural Understanding, ICT Capability, Ethical Understanding and Creative and Critical Thinking are a key dimension of the Australian Curriculum. They are explicitly addressed in the content of the learning areas to support our children to become successful learners, confident and creative individuals, and active and informed citizens.

Specialist learning opportunities are provided in Mandarin, Science, Performing Arts, Technology & Physical Education. Students are involved in alternative extra curricula / learning opportunities to ensure they are exposed to activities that can expand their learning experiences. For example contributing to the creation of our Community Goody Patch Garden (a joint Unley Council, School and Community project).