Resource Centre

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Resource Centre

The Resource Centre provides a service to the school community by: supporting staff with teaching; student learning; leisure reading and information and study requirements.

We have a range of resources available in picture fiction, novels and non-fiction. We also have a range of digital technologies that support student learning in the classroom; digital camera sets, iPad mini sets, laptops and digital microscopes.

Why use the Resource Centre?
Students will, as part of their weekly routine, visit the library to browse and borrow books with their class teacher to take and read at home. There is a timetable of lessons with classes for specific study purposes that facilitate Inquiry Based Learning that supports Information Literacy. Throughout the world there has been research into Information Literacy showing it to be a necessary skill and capability for all students in all Australian schools.

Inquiry Based Learning
At Goodwood Primary School we develop Information Literacy by using a methodology called 'Inquiry'. This approach begins with finding out what the students already know about the selected topic or theme, then involving the students in developing research questions, how and where they will find out the information and what they have learned at the end. Through this type of research, students construct new understandings with guidance from their teachers which closely resemble the ways that students will be expected to use their knowledge and skills in the real world. Inquiry Learning is supported by the resource centre manager and teachers build their Inquiry topics into the class learning program. The integration of ICT is a major factor in the creation of a learning environment where students feel both engaged and challenged.

Opening Hours
The resource centre is open from:
8:40 am - 3:15 pm Monday to Friday
The library is also open during lunch times.
Parents are welcome to visit before and after school. We also have a selection of texts for parents to borrow on a range of topics from birth to adolescence.

The borrowing period is two weeks. Once a book is overdue, the student is no longer able to borrow until the book is returned.

Loan Limit
Reception - 1 book
Year 1 & 2 - 2 books
Year 3, 4 & 5 - 4 books
Year 6 & 7 - 5 books (extra if requested for research)

Overdue Notices
Students need to return overdue books before they can continue to borrow.

If a book has been misplaced, a note will be sent home asking an adult to assist the child to look for the book. If it can't be found please inform the Resource Centre staff so that we can make arrangements for the student to continue borrowing until the book is found. We want children to enjoy using the library and continue reading whilst encouraging their independence and responsibility to manage their library borrowing. Misplaced books are often returned to the library or they simply "turn up". If you have any queries, please phone or come in to see us. We endeavour to clear up any issues immediately.

Lost and Damaged Books
From time to time books will get lost or damaged. If this occurs please contact the Resource Centre. We ask that you do not make repairs at home. Send the damaged book back to the Resource Centre with a note. You may wish to replace the book or make a donation towards the repair/replacement. Once we know an item is lost or damaged, we can alter our cataloguing system to reflect this.

What can parents do to help?
Parents can support their children to use the library and manage their books by:

  • Providing your child with a library bag - this helps protect the books
  • Having a special, safe place at home to keep library books
  • Encouraging your child to develop the habit of putting the books back in this spot each time
  • Sharing the book with your child when they bring it home (even if the choice is not yours!)
  • Monitor what your child is reading. If your child would like to read from restricted areas in the resource centre, a note from the parent giving consent is required.
  • Volunteering to help in the resource centre; a busy school like ours appreciates a lending hand. Please contact Michelle Plenty at the resource centre.
  • Making the most of our local community libraries