Preschool - Enrolment / Fees

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Enrolment / Fees

New Enrolments
The Mid-year intake has now been introduced to schools and preschools. To register for your child's enrolment, please check the intake timeline below. Starting Preschool - Intake timeline

  • TERM 1 Enrolments - Child turning 4 before 1st May
  • TERM 3 Enrolments- Child turning 4 between 1st May and 31st October
  • Children who turn 4 after the 31st of October will start preschool the following year
Registration of Interest forms must be completed to be considered for enrolment. If accepted you will be required to submit the following documentation -
  • A copy of your property's Contract of Sale / Council Rates OR a Rental Agreement
  • A copy of your most recent Gas or Electricity bill
  • Birth Certificate or Passport
  • Immunisation History Statement
To obtain a Registration of Interest to enrol form, Please phone the Preschool on 08 8373 2586 or download the Preschool Registration of Interest Form. This form can be delivered to the front office of Goodwood Primary School.

The pre-entry program is negotiated in term 3 and 4 depending on availability of spaces. Children who turn 4 before May 1st of any given year can enrol to start Preschool at the beginning of that year.

Children attend two full days of preschool per week from 8:30 AM to 3:15 PM and one half day every second Friday morning from 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM.

Group one children attend Mondays, Wednesdays and odd weeks on a Friday mornings (eg weeks 1,3,5,7,9).

Group 2 children attend Tuesdays and Thursdays and every even week Friday morning (ie week 2,4,6,8).

Great Start
Young children are born ready to learn, and they learn and grow every time you interact with them. Visit for everyday ideas for you and your child.

The Government provides an "Operating Grant" which is budgeted to provide equipment for all areas of the curriculum. An invoice will be placed in your child's "pocket" each term.