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Research shows that students need to gain a strong foundation of literacy skills, along with oral communication skills, diction and phonemic skills. Our school offers a structured, focused literacy program. Support staff work with specific students or groups of students at any one time. Similar support is provided in numeracy.

Our support programs aim to:

  • Develop each child at a physical, social, emotional and cognitive level.
  • Enhance the confidence and self-esteem of all students, inclusive of all ability levels.
  • Support effective and active engagement and participation in the curriculum.
  • Maximize the learning potential of all students.

The outcomes of the learning support programs are:

  • The identification of students with additional learning needs through observation and communication with parents, teachers and DofE professionals eg guidance officers and or speech pathologists.
  • Collaboration between parents, class teachers, para-professionals to ensure the setting of consistent goals and a plan for meeting our student's needs.
  • The monitoring of Special Needs students and open reporting to parents of development and achievement.
  • The development of realistic and appropriate 'One Plans' written in conjunction with parents and class teachers designed specifically to cater for individual learning needs (these are reviewed annually).
  • The provision of appropriate support (in-class or withdrawal groups) either individual or through small group work with SSO's (school support officers) or EALD teachers.
  • Referral of students to appropriate external agencies, such as Autism SA etc.