School Lunches

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The Right Bite Strategy is a guide for schools and preschools to select food and drink to promote healthy eating. The strategy divides food and drinks into three colours - green, amber and red with the 'green' category foods and drinks being the best choices. These foods are low in fat, sugar and salt and are excellent sources of important nutrients.

At Goodwood Primary School we encourage and promote foods and drinks from the 'green' category. Students in classrooms have a dedicated fruit break time and have water bottles on their desks to allow ready access to water throughout the day.

Our school canteen provides foods that are mostly in the 'green' category. If 'amber' choices are available large serving sizes are avoided and where possible green foods are added.

The canteen is open Tuesday to Friday for lunch orders and for over the counter purchasing. Lunch orders need to be placed in the crates provided in each classroom before 9:00 AM. In the event of a child not having any lunch he/she will be provided with a sandwich and piece of fruit, and the cost sent home to parents.

Download our Canteen Menu